As I walked through the dimly lit streets of my new neighborhood, I came across a few things that perked my interest, scared me, and made me smile. Let's start with the smiling part - lightening bugs. Last night was like a scene out of Disney's animated
Robin Hood, you know the part when they are walking through the forest and falling in love and the lightening bugs softly accent the moment?
OK, so this moment was minus the foxes and cool love song. Ah, but the falling in love with The Creator of that moment was absolutely real. :)
Let's now talk about the bats. These winged creatures sporadically fly around in such a jagged fashion that I wonder if they are in a huge hurry or about to crash land somewhere. They really aren't as scary as I would have thought.
I did jump when I heard a very strange sound suddenly erupt among the reeds of the small pond. I still don't know what it was. . . do you think ducks snore?
At last we come to a creature that has become dear to my heart and unfortunately I am well
acquainted with them. Those who know me best can already guess. SKUNKS! This east coast variety seems a lot less threatened by
humans. He didn't even lift his tail or hiss at me. Of course after I saw him, every log or darkened lump in the grass became another one. Welcome to Tennessee, Carolyn. :)